NREMT 2One of the KEY ISSUES that EMT and Paramedic programs face nationally is difficulty with NREMT first-time pass rates. The 2021 National Pass Rate average was 68% for EMT and 70% for Paramedic.  The 2021 averages hover around the same over the previous three-year span, but that just means there is room for vast improvement!

 According to the NREMT (2021 data ), the numbers affirm that 29 States were at or below that average for EMT and 15 for Paramedic! There are a few States that have incredibly low pass rates. The good news—we are here to help!


Before solutions are offered in this article, let’s first discuss why the NREMT pass rate is important.

Top 3 Reasons Why NREMT Pass Rate Matters

  1. Achieve and Retain Accreditation

Paramedic administrators and educators are constantly challenged to meet and maintain accreditation standards. Accreditation bodies set benchmarks as being representative of a program's training readiness, preparedness, and success percentage. Basically, it informs the public of how effective a program is in fulfilling its mission and goals.

         2. Increase Enrollment

Student perception and school reputation are big factors when deciding on enrollment. Low pass rates negatively impact prospective students' confidence in the programs ability to deliver quality education.

         3. Increase Your Students Chance of Success

Have a positive impact on the industry by delivering quality entry-level providers into the workforce.

Top 3 Solutions to Raising Your Program Pass Rate

  1. Use Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT)!

It makes sense, right? The NREMT certification exam is a formulated CAT model. Why not give your students the best possible chance at success by utilizing a CAT simulator? is the only CAT simulator on the market that mimics the NREMT exam! It is also the most valid testing approach to success with more than 300,000,000 responses to date!    

In our experience, it isn’t enough to just have CAT available for students to utilize.  Require students to utilize a CAT simulator as part of their grade! Carve out some time in your classes specifically designed to practice CAT testing. Your pupils may not like you during their course time, but they sure will thank you when they pass their certification the first time and move on to their careers!

         2. Use PEG Final Exams

It takes a great deal of time and effort to invest in building a defendable final exam that will be a reliable indicator of your students’ success at the National Registry. We have the solution for you! Our final exams are blueprinted according to the National Registry Practice Analysis and each item on the exam goes through the same rigorous validation process that our test bank items endure. This is a totally separate question bank from what your students have been utilizing during their classroom practice.  What a bonus!

Don’t waste time building a final exam! The process of building the exam, the rigorous validation process, the review for cut scores, difficulty and discrimination, and the thorough item analysis is tedious!! Platinum Educational Group’s final exams are a powerful tool that will be a reliable indicator of your students’ success. And it can be created in minutes not hours!!

          3. Utilize our 100% Guarantee

We have engineered a foolproof system that will pass every one of your students the first time—every time! There are a few steps involved, but honestly, it isn’t backbreaking or over the top. It simply ensures your students for the best chance of success.  We think every student should follow it. Heck, we think every school should set these guidelines for their students! You can view our 100% guarantee HERE. Let us know what you think!

We have assisted SEVERAL HUNDRED programs in raising their pass rates and WE CAN HELP YOU TOO.

The only question left to ask is--are YOU ready to improve your first-time pass rates? If so, simply click "Raise Your Pass Rates" below for an demo today. We have even made scheduling a demo easy and on your time!


Reference: Maps and Statistics Courtesy of National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians